Hi! My name is SuperCyclingMan…that’s me in the slightly ridiculous red pants and cape in the picture!
My real name is Will Hodson, I’m 40 years old, from Bewdley in Worcestershire and I used to be a primary school teacher in London.
My Dad has had Parkinson’s for the last 20 years and I’ve seen first hand what a horrible disease it is, as it has slowly been taking away his independence and power of movement.
I wanted to do something to help my dad (and my mum who looks after him) to fight back.
So I decided I was going to raise a SERIOUS amount of money (£1 MILLION) to help and support the work of Parkinson’s charities around the world.
To raise a big amount of money though, I needed a seriously big fundraising challenge…and I think I've found one.
From May 2015 until January 2022 I am going to be cycling around the world across all 7 continents, including Antarctica - something that nobody has ever done before!
I am on my own on this challenge, with no support vehicles. I am carrying all of my own gear with me on my bike (which weighs around 60kg - around 6 times a normal bike) including a tent and sleeping bag as I’ll be doing a lot of camping on the way.
I’ll be cycling across all kinds of terrain including many mountains and deserts and I’ll be cycling in all kinds of weather ranging from 40 degrees below to 40 degrees above.
As if this wasn’t hard enough already, I’ll be wearing a superhero costume the whole time I’m on my bike, complete with red cape and super underpants as my own made up superhero character…SuperCyclingMan!
I’m visiting schools in all the different countries I get to on my way around the world in my superhero costume. I talk with children about the adventure and hope to inspire them with my message that #WeCanAllBeHeroes
I’m aiming to raise £100,000 for Parkinson’s UK with donations from people like you on this page here.
I’m also raising money for other Parkinson’s charities in the different countries I’ll be cycling across (e.g the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research when I reach America).
The overall goal with my world cycle is to raise £1 million for these different Parkinson’s charities worldwide.
Please can you help me reach this target by doing 2 things?
1) PLEASE DONATE whatever you can to Parkinson's UK - £50, £5, it all adds up. You're not just helping my dad. You're helping 10 million people around the world currently living with Parkinson's. The more money we raise, the more research can be done and the sooner a cure can be found for Parkinson’s.
2) PLEASE SHARE this Justgiving page with friends to help share my story and help me raise more money for Parkinson’s UK and other Parkinson’s charities around the world.
Thanks for your support you hero!
SuperCyclingMan / Will
P.S If you would like to do some fundraising of your own for Parkinson's👍🏻 I've set up a SuperFundraisingTeam here on JustGiving that ANYONE can join and help us towards our £1 million fundraising target. For more info on the team, just copy and paste this link into your browser