Assalamu Alaikum, My name is Sumaya Hussain. On the 6th of May I will be climbing Mount Snowdon in order to raise money for Human Appeals orphan sponsorship programme In’Sha’Allah. Ramadan is a blessed time; our rewards are multiplied, the gates of jannah are open and charity is elevated in ranks that can get us to Jannatul Firdous.
The goal is to raise £420 to sponsor one orphan from this Ramadan to the next. So I would be grateful for anything you can put towards it. Jazak’allah Khair.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and middle finger, holding them close together (Bukhari)Sponsoring an Orphan means they will get food, water, shelter, healthcare and education.
£35 - Sponsors an Orphan for 1 month
£70 - Sponsors an Orphan for 2 months
£210 - Sponsors an Orphan for 6 months
£420 you can sponsor an Orphan for a whole year from this Ramadan to the next!
There are an estimated 153 million orphans worldwide, and, tragically, around 5,700 more children become orphans, every day.As the most vulnerable members of society, they often face hunger, disease, exploitation and extreme cycles of poverty they will never break out of.Follow the footsteps of the Messenger (PBUH), and care for the most vulnerable children among us and reap the blessings in the hereafter. Now is the time to change the world for a little one.