This is a charity based in Cheetham Hill that helps homeless people and ex-offenders gain the skills and confidence they need to get back in to work. Don't ask me why a charity has to do this, really it sounds like the kind of thing the Government should be interested in doing, but that's the world we live in. I came to Manchester in 2009 and have lived here for 12 of those 14 years. In this time I have seen the number of homeless people in the city skyrocket and it just seems like something that shouldn't happen in a civilised country, if people were given the right opportunities, provide with the resources and support they need to lead a decent life then they wouldn't end up on the streets. My Dad volunteered at the Booth Centre for a while, helping the clients with applications, CVs, and advising them on routes into work, I thought that was a good thing and though I haven't been down there, it sounds like the kind of place that deserves more money in order to give people an opportunity they didn't get earlier in life.