CASA Lights of Hope
Fundraising for Child Advocates San Antonio
Fundraising for Child Advocates San Antonio
As challenging as 2020 has been for us, it has been harder on the children in environments of abuse and neglect. I recently joined CASA and have seen first hand how CASA’s Court-Appointed Special Advocates can change the life path of our children! As they enter foster care, these children are in desperate need of someone in their corner. They did not choose their path in life, but we invite you to join us in choosing to give them light.Your compassionate giving will help provide foster youth with the constancy of a CASA Volunteer Advocate, and help us reach our ultimate goal of serving 100% of foster youth in need this holiday season! It costs only $125/month to provide a highly-trained, supported and caring Volunteer Advocate to a child in need. You can be a Light of Hope for a foster child by giving a gift anytime through the end of December.
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.
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