Some of you may have heard there's a selection of erm .... "Tough Guys'' ….. from NCFE who are taking part in the Tough Mudder event this Saturday down in Cheshire. The event is one of the toughest events going and consists of mud, ice baths, electrical shocks, more mud, climbing walls, monkey bars, hay bales and more……oh and only 12 miles of it too!
The group consist of the following:
Chris McDonald
They've tried to at least get some training in over the last few weeks in preparation we’re not sure if this will prepare them for the ice and shocks and the no doubt numerous muscle strains they're about to bring upon themselves.
The event also helps to raise money towards a worthy Charity -Help For Heroes- and given the fact we’ve just had Remembrance Sunday they thought they’d try and raise a bit of extra funds for the charity.
The boys really appreciate your support this week and any donation is greatly appreciated… least they can die on Saturday knowing their efforts were not in vain!