I am due to run the London Marathon on Sunday 23rd April 2022 and raising funds for a charity who has helped me as a child.
I suffer from a speech and language disorder. I can talk for
England now but as child I couldn’t talk until I was 5 years old. I struggled in a normal comprehensive school. I struggled to understand teachers teaching and was unable to seek help due to the large classroom size. My reading age was below average and in the end my Headmaster had to teach me to read.
Thanks to the Speech and Language UK, they provide me with the
support I needed by enrolling me in a boarding school funded and managed by the charity. It has children with similar needs to me. I was able to get a better education thanks to the smaller class sizes and the teachers and therapist able to help support me.
Now a days my issues become unnoticed because I have ways of
managing my difficulties. I am just like everyone else but the way I learn maybe different to how others are able to learn.
Speech and Language UK continues to do great work with children today and provide the ongoing support they need.