In July 2021 Kirsty's beloved Auntie Jac sadly lost her battle with bowel cancer. Jac's last days were spent at the most amazing, humbling and loving place she could have wished for, St Luke's Hospice in Winsford.
St Luke's always had a special place in Jac's heart and she would fundraise throughout the year for this amazing cause. Jac loved to take part in the Midnight Walk - their annual 13 mile walk from Nantwich to Crewe and back again, wearing her tutu, glow sticks and singing along the way.
Once Jac sadly passed away we vowed to continue her fundraising and do everything that we could to help this amazing place, to ensure people like Jac can continue to receive the most amazing care when they seriously need it.
In October 2023 Kirsty & Dani are going to be trekking across the Sahara Desert to raise money for St Luke's. The trek involves trekking 20km a day, sleeping in the desert, nursing blisters and most crucially, not showering for a week!
Please help us raise as much money as we can for the most amazing hospice by donating on this page and making sure that we do our Jac proud!