Sadly Stephen Burbridge, who established the Still Strolling Fund died on 27 January. He had been very unwell for some weeks following a bad chest infection and despite rallying briefly his condition deteriorated rapidly. He passed away peacefully with those he cared about most at his bedside but not before, with his characteristic tenacity, he had achieved what he set out to do.
Although seriously affected by a Parkinson's related condition - MSA ( Multi System Atrophy) Stephen was determined to publish his memoir, Still Strolling, which gave accounts of travel in remote places ranging from Antarctica to the Sahara to the Himalayas. Stephen recounted the exhiliration of 'walking well' and discovers the history and customs of people in distant lands.
Launching the book in October, Stephen brought family and friends together for an impressive event. The guests ranged in age from nine to ninety and travelled from near and very far.
Stephen was proud that he far exceeded his target of £5,000 for the Still Strolling Fund and grateful for the many donations ranging from a young boy's pocket money, £20 from a 95 year old lady, a £2,000 contribution and many in between. Each and every one was a testament to the high regard in which Stephen was held.
The Still Strolling Fund will remain open for the time being, as Stephen would have wished, and donations are warmly welcome.