I'm running the London Marathon in aid of The Richard Whitehead Foundation. I've had the privilege of working with Richard and seen first-hand the incredible work the foundation does to helping young adults with limb loss, receive prosthetics and support to run and play other sports.
A running prosthetic costs around £10,000 per prosthetic. They're not available on the NHS if you're over 18, or if you haven't got a history of running - which a lot of kids with lifelong conditions simply have never had the opportunity to form.
It's one of the most inspiring experiences to witness a young disabled person being enabled to run for the very first time. It's freedom, exhilaration, life-changing.
Anything you could give to this wonderful charity will really help me get my fat ass round the 26.2 miles course. It's my second London Marathon, but this time I'm hoping not to blow up and limp home.
–Stevie x