I suffered a brain haemorrhage in February 2018 and had a massive stroke as a result. I had emergency brain surgery and was given a 2% chance of surviving the operation. When I woke up in intensive care I was very confused and unable to speak or even drink liquid without choking. My whole right side was paralysed and I didn't even recognise my beautiful children. Slowly I started remembering my family and as my brain repaired my memories started coming back. I then had the mammoth task of learning to speak and pronounce words, followed by months of physio to learn to walk again. The Stroke Association were there with advice and support from the time I was in hospital right up until now and the help and support they give to people is absolutely amazing. As I still have a weak right side and have enough trouble walking at the best of times I will be doing the challenge on a treadmill but still within the 2 week time frame. Please please sponsor me and help me reach my target. I'd love to be able to give something back and it would mean the world to me to raise this money. Thankyou for taking the time to read my story. Much love 💕