The pandemic has exposed more of us to uncertainties and risk factors that can lead to poor mental health, and it’s affected access to support and treatment, setting back recovery for some people and communities by months, if not years. With the right support, at the right time, people living with poor mental health can truly thrive, but this can often only happen if they can get the support they need in their local area. So your donations towards my fundraising in 2022 will enable Mental Health UK to evolve and restore vital mental health services in local communities across all four nations, delivering a range of projects that, at their core, will give people the tools they need to live their best possible lives.
Mental Health UK will assess need and identify where they can have the biggest impact, drawing on nearly 50 years of experience to
understand what it is that people and communities need to support and manage their mental health. It could be something as simple as buying seeds and equipment so a mental health gardening group can start meeting up again, to delivering larger programmes that support underserved communities to access mental health support.