I am honoured to join Team Cystic Fibrosis for their Gump ride on 21/6/2014. It's inspired by Forrest Gump - instead of "run, Forrest, run", we are going to "ride, Forrest, ride" from dawn til dusk to raise money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. This will be the longest single day ride I've ever done in over 20 years as a keen cyclist, and will be quite a team effort for everyone involved. There'll be a lot of tired legs and sore behinds by the end of this one.
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease, potentially carried by one in 25 adults. Sufferers have a greatly reduced life expectancy and need constant treatment throughout their lives. Your generous support for this charity is much appreciated.
Here's the full story:
27 riders from Team Cystic Fibrosis will ride from sunrise to sunset on the longest day. We aim to travel as far as we can in one group. Who knows how far we will get. It will be our toughest annual team challenge yet and so we hope to raise a lot of money. We leave Barnsley at 4:36am and aim to be approaching Felixstowe by sunset at 9:18pm. Our distance achieved depends on the weather, it could cut us short, such is the sport. We will ride in one team, and our planned route is 215 miles. We hope we can make it by sunset, who knows we might keep going even further!
Please note that every penny donated will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, and will be associated with The Gump. All events are funded by the riders themselves.
Your donation means a lot to us and the poeple who live with Cystic Fibrosis. The trust really do change peoples lives. Click on the link below to learn more.
Feel free to have a look at more information about Team Cystic Fibrosis here, a cycling team dedicated to rasing awareness of Cystic Fibrosis, and money for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust:
Why not join us for our annual sportive 'The 65 Roses Holme Moss Classic', registration opens on March 14th and we are limited to 800 places (45 mile and 65 mile hilly routes).