Dad was cared for by the wonderful staff at St Giles in 2020 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March 2020.
The care and compassion shown was second to none, not least given the restrictions which were in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dad's final stay at St Giles finished with him losing his battle with cancer on 3 July 2020.
In memory of Dad, and in support of raising funds for St Giles, I am doing the Autumn Ride 2021. I've chosen the 52 mile ride, as in hindsight possibly foolishly, I've also signed up for the London to Brighton off-road ride (in support of the British Heart Foundation, thankfully only 62 miles!) which is on the day before... So not only will I start on tired legs, I've also got to travel from Brighton to Whittington in Staffordshire overnight. This 180+ mile journey however will definitely not be done under my own steam!
Please do give generously; your donation, however small, will be gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks
Steven Babb