Clare, Annya and Jo - the TUK team are embracing the #StepUpToStopClots awareness campaign and are doing a virtual walk from Lands End to John O'Groats, 874 miles or 2320572 steps!
We are determined to encourage others, increase our daily step count and most importantly raise funds for Thrombosis UKto continue its vital work to increase awareness, care and research of thrombosis.
Clare and Jo have also brought in two secret weapons to help us with this challenge, Hannah and Josh who are both young and very active!
As we pass landmarks we’ll be tweeting and sharing awareness tips, thrombosis facts and sending display materials to hospitals and medical centres! Follow and Tweet us on @ThrombosisUK
We hope to achieve our goal of 2320572 steps by World Thrombosis Day, Saturday 13th October 2018, and would love you tosponsor our efforts, read our blogs or join in with your own #StepUpToStopClots challenge.
For details, ideas and opportunities to join in please see the Thrombosis UK website