Thanks for visiting our fundraising page.
Our youngest daughter Tegan was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when she was 5. Tegan is a funny, lively & bubbly girl who has never let this chronic (life long) illness get her down, even when she has had to spend time in hospital. Now 9 she has been in remission for 2 years thanks to her medication (Mercaptopurine an immunosuppressant) she has been fine, growing and putting on weight month after month, and living a normal, healthy and active life.
CICRA (Crohn's in Childhood Research Association) is a charity dedicated to raising money to aid funding for research in to new medicines and hopefully finding a cure for this debilitaing illness. CICRA also helps to support families whos lives are affect by this disease.
Rachel and I are going to run the Great South Run in Portsmouth on Sunday 25 October 2009. So please could you help us raise money be sponsoring us to run this 10 mile course.
Donating through this site is easy, fast and secure, CICRA will receive your money faster, if a UK tax payer an extra 28% in tax will be added, at no cost to you.
Thank you very much for your sponsorship and support.
Steve and Rachel Plumb