My father Barry Lambert sadly passed away on the 9th of July 2019 to this disgusting disease ( which he called ZOMBIE and CAN'T DO ANYTHING disease) even after his passing he donated his brain and spinal cord to the brain bank to help others find a cure or anything that could help other sufferers and there families. My dad allowed students to study him and helped where ever he could with the research even after death. So I feel being half of him that I too could help. Please donate what ever you can I know not everyone is able to do so but every little counts. Thankyou . Once we reach the £2000 target I will shave all of my hair off!!
This campaign will lay the foundations for human trials of a pioneering therapy for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). The fatal disease affects the brain and nerves and causes weakness over time. There is currently no cure for the condition.The work led by Bristol-based neurosurgeon Professor Steven Gill brings combines three elements: Gene Therapy with Viral Vectors delivered via Convection Enhanced Delivery CED.It is known that specific viruses can have a therapeutic effect on motor neurons and a technique called Convection Enhance Delivery (CED). This is able to deliver these viruses directly to the neurons in the brain. For many diseases such as MND. Delivery of genes to affected neurons to correct or repair defects has been a major challenge.The cost of the pre-clinical stage is £150,000. Thanks to My Name5 Doddie Foundation we are a third of the way there! Please help support our campaign by donating and together we can hopefully make a major breakthrough that will help.