January 2020, our families world was turned upside down when my 7 Year old niece Olivia went into hospital for a routine appendix removal, shortly after my sister and brother-in-law were given the news that the appendix was fine and that she had Burkitts lymphoma, a large mass which was growing fast in her stomach. After being transferred to Addenbrookes for full diagnosis then being told the news their lives would change forever, after 6 months of chemotherapy Olivia got to ring the bell to signal the end of treatment ...
As an extended member of the family and with COVID restrictions all around us, the support from Charities and organisations such as Young Lives Versus Cancer, were the back bone of support that we as a family we’re unable to be!
To ‘dip’ into a cold river is a tiny thing in comparison to the journey that Olivia, Sian, Chris, Sam & Hollie went on during that time. For me to be able to test my own resilience in cold water, and more so the local river, is merely a patch on what Olivia had to endure during that time. To raise funds for this worthy charity, which have supported another family close to me, is the least I can do!