On the 25th of June, myself and three friends will be running Lewa half-marathon in aid of Tusk- an organisation supporting community based conservation initiatives across Africa. We are delighted to have fundraised enough to cover my friends’ registration fees already, with thanks to Clifton College and others.
As some may know, I recently moved to Kenya to start data collection for my PhD. I am studying the inheritance of leadership roles in female elephant societies, and am fortunate to be supported and hosted by Save the Elephants.
Save the Elephants’ research camp is situated on the banks of the Ewaso N’yiro river, on the border of Samburu and Buffalo Springs reserve. Camp is home to a fantastic team of researchers and permanent staff. Some of whom I have convinced to run with me! Together, we have made a team and will be raising money for Tusk, by running the Lewa half marathon this year.
Lewa is considered one of the ‘top ten’ must do races in the world. The route traverses though Lewa Conservancy, and so we will be sharing the reserve with black and white rhino, Grevy’s zebra, lion, buffalo, heyna, leopard and giraffe. At 1700m, average temperatures of 30 degrees, and an undulating (read: very hilly) course, it’s safe to say it’ll be a tough run. Combined with an unconventional training plan (running loops around our unfenced camp in the middle of Samburu reserve), the race will be a challenge for us all!
I’ll be posting comments to this page to describe our team, our training, the race and more details about the cause we are raising money for. Look out for updates below!
Thank you for any support.
Jemima, Leaderboard, James and Kara