The Starkeys are setting themselves a lock down challenge of collectively covering 500 miles during Lockdown. Now that everyone is either on two wheels or two feet (Samson has just ditched the stabalisers! Woo, Woo!!) we want to try to smash 500 miles, firstly to show solidarity with the 'Run-Walk-Cycle' team, adding to the total 7634 miles needed to be covered to 'get to' Lanseria.
Secondly we want to do something practical and proactive to show the adults and children who live at LIV Lanseria how much we care. They do an amazing work, within the God Parent scheme, looking after abandoned babies in the baby shelter, within the local community. We have been privileged to work with them, and be loved by them for many years.
Thirdly, we want to raise funds not just for the Community Project's regular work, but for the additional support they have been giving during lockdown. In the UK many are being hit hard financially but, in a developing country, this need is escalated.
Many of the adults are not working and money is tight. As many of the children rely heavily on their meal in school, stomachs go hungry. There is also a lack of comfort for many too.
Thank you for your support.
Katie, Craig, Seren and Samson
To learn more about LIV Lanseria why not watch this short clip: