During 'Health Week', St Anne's Catholic Primary School's children, staff and parents will be working together to raise money for Airedale Hospital & Community Charity.
Starting from Monday 8th February, we will be working together to walk, run and cycle as far as we can.
There will be a staff virtual bike ride where staff take turns to cycle as far as they can; children, staff & parents at home are asked to exercise throughout the week as well as children & staff in school. We will see just how far we can all go....'going the extra mile' and raising money for this fantastic charity.
Please donate and leave a comment so we know who you are and have a guess at how far we, as a school community, can go. There will be prizes for the closest guesses!
Follow us on our school website and on Twitter @stanneskly. If you are a parent, please upload photos and comments of how far you've gone to add to our total. Thank you and good luck St Anne's!