Henry is 8 years old and from his early years Henry's mum and dad noticed different changes in his behaviour as he approached different milestones throughout his nursery journey and then upon settling into his reception class when starting school. During his last year at nursery the senco lead supported his mum and dad with starting the emotional journey of lots of hospital visits involving assessments to find a diagnosis, which after a long 3 years was confirmed as Autism on the 2nd of January 2020. Although this gave confirmation as to why Henry has difficulty with his emotions and developing friendships there was little support given to his family in regards to information in supporting Henry with day to day tasks like going to school. On occasions Henry has become overwhelmed by noise when visiting the supermarket or a change in his routine which leads to meltdowns which can last up to an hour, with lots of the community who don't know Henry or unaware of what a diagnosis of Autism involves leads to lots of negativity which can be very upsetting for Henry and his family. Henry with the support of a selective group of family friends is now developing confidence when he is around family friends who understand his diagnosis and offer lots of support and allow Henry to do things when he is ready. This is something that is invaluable to the family when not just supporting Henry but his brother and sister also who had to adjust their lives also to support their brother.