Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth will be taking the Red Nose Day fundraising challenge to 'Dare Something Funny for Money' to the next level with the first ever Spinnaker Tower 'Rib Walk' on Friday 11 March at 1.00pm. Apprentice candidate Stuart Baggs & BBC South's weather presenter Reham Khan will be two of the five fundraisers taking part.
Fot the first time, Spinnaker Tower will allow access to five daredevil fundraisers to walk the exposed rib of the tower. The catch? It's 170m high. The brave fundraisers will climb out of the Crow's Nest near the summit of the tower, before dropping to the longest 'rib' of the tower and walking 30 metres along its edge before climbing back up the ladders to the crows nest.
Simon Wildgust, Bernie Welch and Jenny Merrison from Spinnaker Tower will all be taking part as well as the two daring celebs!!