Throughout February and March I have been involved in the Emerging Influencers programme with Tearfund. On this programme I have heard from incredible speakers covering all aspects of injustice which exist in our society from climate change to poverty to modern slavery. I have been incredibly impacted by the stories I have heard and I am now putting what I have learnt into practice. I am running this fundraiser for Tearfund because I feel called to tackle these issues of injustice, raise awareness of Tearfund's work and give you the opportunity to play a vital role. Together I believe we can end injustice.
For two weeks in March I will be taking your orders for a selection of my favourite bakes with all proceeds going to the amazing work of Tearfund.
Emerging Influencers is a six-week leadership programme for 16-23-year-olds. As a community of young adults we are now raising money for Tearfund's life saving work in helping people to lift themselves out of poverty. We are raising funds to help our global neighbours who are facing extreme poverty and those who have been thrust into poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic began, Tearfund and our local partners and churches have been responding to the needs of vulnerable communities all over the world. This has included providing emergency food packages during lockdowns, setting up hand-washing stations in communities, and distributing face masks and hygiene supplies.