As you all know, our twins were born at 25 weeks gestation. Both weighing 1lb 10oz & 1lb 11oz. Sadly our baby boy didn’t survive his battle. But our baby girl, beat all odds and fought her way to coming home and being a now healthy 5 year old. This is a time of our lives that we will never forget and will forever be effected by. So I’m hosting a walk to raise money for all of those parents, grandparent, babies, families going through exactly what we did 5 years ago. Also raising money in memory of our beautiful boy with his sister by our side will be AMAZING.
Bliss exists to give every baby born premature or sick in the UK the best chance of survival and quality of life.We champion their right to receive the best care by supporting families, campaigning for change and supporting professionals, and enabling life-changing research.Please help me raise money to improve survival rates of babies born premature or sick and help give them the best possible start in life.