George is 10. Jumping is one of the hardest things for him to do. Imagine yourself at the age of 10 not being able to jump?
Despite all George's effort his feet can barely lift off of the ground. Eventually he will lose his ability to jump, to walk... and to live altogether. This, is the sad reality of his severe and life limiting muscle wasting condition, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
DMD will eventually take over every single muscle in George's body unless we can find treatments or a cure to prolong his life.
So, what are we going to do about it?
I've decided to ‘#Jump4George’. I will be doing a Skydive with George's Mum, Auntie and Sister, to help raise money to fund research into treatments and a cure.
Jumping out of a plane is a pretty terrifying thing, but when you think about it, it's nothing compared to what George goes through every time his legs give way, every time he loses the ability to do something for himself, every time he has to sit out of activities with his friends.
Duchenne MD is the most common killer in boys and the severest muscle wasting condition. There are approx 3500 people affected (mostly boys), ant it is caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene.
Dystrophin is a protein that is vital for muscle strength, and boys with DMD are missing this in their bodies. Their muscles gradually get weaker, which starts in their legs and progresses to their upper bodies, and eventually the heart.
They are expected to be in a wheelchair full-time by the age of 12, with average life expectancy mid to late twenties. It's so heartbreaking to regularly hear of such young Duchenne warrior's who have earn't their angel wings!
Duchenne is classed as a rare disease, so it gets no funding from the government or big companies. It's parent led charities like Action Duchenne and the kindness of communities and people like you who donate which can make a difference.
For the first time in 30 years scientists are closer than ever to finding a cure. This year, gene therapy is is one of the most exciting and potentially life changing therapies in the world at the moment.
The aim is to have one injection that will effectively correct the faulty gene, and allow the body to produce dystrophin, and the first ever UK trials are being planned on patients with Duchenne!
We pray with all our hearts that a treatment or cure comes in time to extend George's life, and all those within the Duchenne community living with this heartbreaking disease.
All we need from you is a donation.
Any donation big or small. Support us girls who are throwing ourselves out of a plane. Support 10 year old George, who really needs you.
Support Action Duchenne.Thank you in advance for your love, support and donations.