Thank you for visiting my just giving page.
7 months ago my best friend Ross tragically took his own life at the age of 25. This was more than a shock to everyone who knew him as Ross was the life and soul of every party. Whilst Ross spoke briefly to those close to him about his thoughts and feelings no one could ever have imagined that he would go on to take his own life. Obviously feeling that was the only was he could be happy i know he's resting peacefully living the life he so desperatley wanted.
I miss him every day and just wish that he knew there were more people he could talk to and who could help him.
There is a way out of depression and anxiety but it needs to be recognised- people need to know that help is out there and awareness needs to be raised.
Please donate to this amazing cause and stop someone like Ross feeling there is no other way out.
I love you Rossy, in my heart always and forever