Running for mum.
For those of you who didn't know my mum, the first thing you should understand is that she was a lady of considerable warmth and character. She had great charisma - the sort of person who captivated her audience, almost always shocking them with her stories and frank opinion in the process! She stood tall, spoke well, and dressed like she meant business. Mum was also very nurturing, generous to a fault, and approached every challenge life threw at her with unrivalled pragmatism. She was a fighter.
Yet, diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, she didn’t have an opportunity to fight. That’s why I'm running the Paris Marathon.
Pancreatic cancer is still very hard to detect and late diagnosis generally means it’s impossible to treat. As a result, it has one of the worst survival rates of all cancer types.
Pancreatic Cancer Action work to improve survival by educating the public and medical community about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, with the express aim that more people are diagnosed in time for surgery – currently the only potential for a cure. Please support me - in memory of my dear mum - to help make this happen.
Sophie x
Ps, It's true... my mum would have found the notion of me running a marathon highly amusing. An actual MARATHON!