St Raphaels Hospice strives to improve the lives of those affected by terminal or life-limiting illnesses, giving them and their carers the confidence to cope and enjoy the best quality of life possible. They care for patients wherever and whenever they need us and believe that hospice care is about life and living, not just death and dying.
The Hospice needs £6 million a year to run, relying heavily on public donations, legacies and fundraising to keep going. Thanks to the generosity of the public, they are able to make an enormous difference to the lives of over 1,000 terminally-ill patients every year. They are not state-funded, even though every one of our patients is a NHS patient. They only receive about 24% of our costs from the NHS and the remainder, more than £4 Million per year, needs to be raised.
To help St Raphael's provide exceptional hospice care everyday, the London Marathon Team are aiming to raise over £30,000!
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