My sister, Kate, died from leukaemia when she was just 13 years old. She would have been 55 on 9th October 2018, and I want to mark this date by running the half marathon to fund-raise for Cure Leukaemia to support their pioneering work. A run in Birmingham for a charity based in Birmingham in memory of my sister who died at the Children's Hospital in Birmingham in 1976.
Cure Leukaemia helps blood cancer patients to access pioneering drug and transplant treatments by funding a network of specialist research nurses across the UK. Without these nurses, to ensure patients are monitored and cared for, clinical trials of these new treatments would not run and patients, that have exhausted standard treatment options, would miss out on potentially lifesaving therapies. Every penny raised for Cure Leukaemia helps save lives and also hastens global progress towards the eradication of all forms of blood cancer.