A big-hearted panto for the small screen

Missing your annual dose of panto this Christmas? Never fear, we're taking panto online! Sleeping Beauty will have all the cheesy jokes, belly laughs and uplifting music you love. Musical theatre classics with a twist and songs from recent Broadway shows will be performed by a cast of friends looking to create something different, but also reassuringly familiar. Get ready to boo and cheer when your favourite panto heroes
and villains
are beamed right into your living room in glorious HD.
We want to help children who may be struggling to have a better Christmas. So if you can, please donate £5 or more. We will post details of how to join us for the show on our website www.plotholeproductions.com on the day of the show. Larger donations for households are most welcome!
Champions for Children is raising funds to support a London-wide network of local children's charities to provide support services to vulnerable and disadvantaged children following the end of lockdown measures. Champions for Children will help to prevent the closure of vital projects, and in turn, effectively assist the growing number of already disadvantaged children whose suffering, both physical and mental is exacerbated by the current crisis. Champions for Children directly addresses the need for safe, educational, and engaging activities for children who have suffered from hunger, isolation and a lack of any educational opportunity during the lockdown due to poverty.