On January 25th 2021, our close friend Chris sadly passed away from an unknown heart condition that nobody was aware of when he was only 15. This shocked all of his friends and family and has left a massive gap in all of our lives. Spreading awareness of Chris's condition is very important for us to make sure no one else has to experience such an awful thing.
As a group Abby, Andrew and Josh are taking part in a charity skydive to raise money for CRY [ Cardiac Risk In The Young ] to support their efforts in preventing young sudden cardiac deaths. By taking part in a sky dive we hope to not only raise awareness but to also remember Chris and keep his memory close to us. Skydiving will be a first for all three of us so it is going to be a exciting and scary experience for us all. We greatly appreciate any donations and support in the run up to May 8th and hope to raise as much money as possible to continue supporting CRY and the work they do to prevent anything similar from happening again.