Hey folks,
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this page. On October 16th I will be participating in Focus Ireland's 'Shine A Light' business leader sleep-out and I will be sleeping-out at Cork's City Gaol to help Shine A Light on homelessness across Ireland.
You may have heard that homelessness has now reached a crisis point throughout Ireland. Today there are over 5,000 people homeless in Ireland and that 1 in 5 is a child!
As an actor and founder of ORion Productions my aim is to present productions which bring an awareness of major issues, both social and personal to the public. But what better way to raise awareness than to actually participate in this campaign and to experience a night out on the streets. The homelessness crisis is getting worse and needs to be addressed. I don’t know how much one person can do, but if I can help raise a little more awareness of this just by sacrificing my bed for one night, then so be it. I sincerely hope everyone will donate a little to this cause if you can. Please demonstrate your solidarity by sponsoring me today. Every little helps.