"...and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind".💫
1 in every 9 people will go to bed hungry this Ramadan. That's over 820 million people who don't have enough food to eat, and that's before we consider the current food scarcity hitting people across the globe.🌍
To a hungry family struggling to find food for Iftar, one simple donation can be a lifeline.
❤️-Feed the fasting - Pakistan/Palestine: £6 ❤️-Feed the fasting Al Aqsa: £8❤️-Food Packs: £70 (Rohingya Refugee Camp, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen)
Each parcel is tailored to the country and dietary needs. On average they contain 50 kilograms of nutritious food and will provide a family of 5-7 people for the whole month. P.S.🤭If you're a UK donor, please don't forget to add gift aid to your donation at no extra cost to you. This will ensure that Human Appeal get their admin and other operational costs covered to continue with their much needed work.