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In 1985, I took up Karate as a 13 year old and absolutely loved it. In 3 years, I attained my Purple belt and just before I was to go the next stage further, I injured myself and was out of it for nearly a year. when I went back, I no longer had the heart.
In 2006, when it became more apparent that my football skills were leaving me, I decided the next move of my life.......take up Karate again !!! (Mental !!)
So I sought out my old style again, which led me to "Rob Locks Martial Arts Academy" in Lye, Stourbridge. There Rob and his great team of instructors have bought me back to where I was previously, to a point where I attained and then surpassed my previous grades.
I am now on my last Brown Belt with the coveted Black Belt my next goal, finally putting away nearly 20 years of regret.
Saturday 29th November 2008 is my target date to take this exam, injury and illness permitting.
Now my aim, is to work very hard and diet well but also, if by doing this, I can raise some money for ACORNS CHILDRENS HOSPICES then on the way, great stuff.