Last year i was sat in bed watching the London Marathon on TV and then suggested to myself that It would be FUN to run the marathon this year. 10 months on and as the training gets harder and so does the weather I can see light at the end of the tunnel. It has all been worth it as i am raining money for Children Hospice South West. CHSW are the only two children hospices in the south west and offer respite, relaxtion and friendship. The hospice also shares the 24-hour care of sick children and support families in bereavement.
if you would like to know more about CHSW go to
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Children's Hospice South West will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.
So please sponsor me now!
Many thanks for your support.