I’ve spent the last 4 months planning the trip my trip across the USA and it’s been hard work but everything is sorted now (well as sorted as its going to be), my motorbike is en route to Baltimore and I’ll be following on Monday. My aim is to complete Sam Correo’sTRANSAM TRAIL Whilst I’m excited about it, it’s actually dawning on me ( more so in the last few days) that this is going to be a huge challenge especially as I’m going solo and I have about 1 weeks off roading experience, so to push me a little harder not to quit along the way I’ve decided that I’m going to try and raise some funds for Little Havens. I’m fortunate that I’ve never had the need to have use of their services but that the work they do is so important in helping families through what must be the hardest event in their lives, they need all the funding that they can get as so little comes to them from the government, so if you want help keep the hospice running and sponsor me whilst I’m attempting not to fall off my bike, avoid the duelling banjos in the deep south, getting over my fear of heights and freezing in the Colorado mountains, getting cooked alive in the Nevada and Utah deserts (let’s face it I got sunburnt at North Weald while it was cloudy and raining last weekend) and out running bears, if that's not enough to make it a bit harder I will be camping most of the trip motels probably every third day just so I can get clean I will be carrying everything I need (I hope) but keeping it to basics (save for a netbook), then please visit myJUST GIVING PAGE. I have no support truck carrying spares if it breaks or I fall off I’ll just have to get on with it.