What I really like about Jewish Child's Day (JCD) is that they are able to directly support numerous charities, without red tape or expensive costs i.e. funds raised directly help children in need quickly and efficiently. I have a special affinity to JCD as I was introduced to this wonderful charity some 5 years ago by my late dear friend David Lazarus.
They help children who are suffering from physical, learning or emotional difficulties; children who are abused, neglected, deprived or disadvantaged; children caught up in the ravages of terrorism and war; children caught in the poverty trap and children battling against severe illness or trauma. Through grant funding JCD supports organisations that provide medical, educational, therapeutic and humanitarian aid, respite care, protection, poverty relief and much more, to improve the lives of Jewish children worldwide.
We are all shocked and sickened by the war in Ukraine... many of the charities JCD support in Ukraine have been able to take children to safe havens in Moldova, Romania, Poland Hungry and Slovakia. If they cannot return home they may settle in mainland Europe, the UK or Israel. Once they arrive at their new homes they will need the help of existing organisations that JCD supports. Just recently JCD were able to provide $20,000 to transport by coach 120 children to Moldova from Michpacha Orphanage in Odessa and onwards to Berlin, where they are now safe and being cared for.
For an unfit 66 year old I will be taking on a significant personal challenge of trekking nearly 70 km on rocky, hilly trails in Northern Israel in just 4 days. I am self funding my trek so that all the money I raise will go to children who really need it.
I know that we all have numerous charities contacting us, particularly now as Covid put a stop to the usual dinners and fundraising events taking place over the past 2 years. Therefore any donation you can make, however small, will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,