Bill’s Mito Battle
When faced with the news that a child’s life will be dramatically limited by an illness which has no cure it would be easy to turn bitter and negative. That isn’t Bill’s style, nor is it his family’s and nor is it (as we have found out) the style of friends! Through a variety of fund-raising events, we aim to stay positive and raise as much money as possible for the ‘The Lily Foundation’, a charity providing support to children and families fighting Mitochondrial Diseases throughout the UK as well as funding research into treatments and cures.
‘24 Hour Footy People’ is the first event of 2022 with that aim. Doing something we love to raise money!
A 24hr continual 5-aside match played from 8am to 8am. Commit to the full 24hrs or play for 15 minutes, whatever you can manage. Just come down and ‘Pay to Play’! All donations and money raised on the day of the event will go straight to The Lily Foundation.
The Lily Foundation was founded in Lily's memory, having lost her battle to Mitochondrial Disease at just eight months old. The charity aims to give hope, answers and support to the many other children and families that face the challenges of this disease today.Did you know every twenty minutes a child is born who will develop Mitochondrial Disease by the age of 16! There is no cure for this disease which is for many, debilitating and life limiting.Please stand with us and fight Mitochondrial Disease and fight for hope.