In the name of the Almighty, most Gracious, most Merciful.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things; Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity), knowledge which will benefit others and a righteous child who prays for him (for the deceased).”
About the Project
Following on from the success of The Rahma Academy in 2013, the charity has begun working towards their next project, the Rahma Institute. The institute will be built on 600 square metres of land and will help to further the educational work currently running through the Balkans.
The Institute will be a purpose built complex which will have both Islamic and Secular education being taught. Alongside the Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and Madrasa, the Institute will also include the first Boarding Facility for Girls to learn higher Islamic studies, Outdoor Sports Facility, Library, Multifunctional Dining Hall, Health Clinic, retail block with a Halal Supermarket, Play Area, Car Parking and a Prayer Hall.
The Current Update
Due to the effect of Covid-19, there has been difficulties in raising funds for this project and therefore, construction work has not taken place. As the restrictions begin to ease up, the project is now in a position to continue construction. The charity is looking to raise Lillah and Sadaqah funds in order to get the outer shell of the building complete.
They have set out with two appeals
- £120 for 1 square metre of shell
- £240 for 1 pallet of bricks
All funds towards this project will be a form of continuous reward and will benefit you in this world and in the hereafter. There is nothing better than the gift of education and for every student that embarks on the journey of knowledge will be a great means of rewards for you for many years to come.
Please donate generously towards this project and make the future of Albania brighter.