I work as a milkman in the north west of England and along with some of my colleagues, we are going to be wearing shorts during our rounds for the whole month of December. We work solely outdoors in the early hours of the mornings and feel this is a unique and challenging way to raise awareness and money for a great cause.
We are doing this to raise money in aid of CALM. The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. Anyone can hit crisis point. CALM run a free and confidential helpline and webchat 7 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone who needs to talk about lifes problems.
Anything that can be donated will help massively and will go a long way in helping to support hundreds of people who feel like suicide is the only option.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and we welcome your support. Please share this page with your friends.
Jamie and The ModernMilkman team.