Hi Friends,
Well the pandemic is almost over (fingers crossed). Sadly, some of our friends didn’t make it. I sure hope you are well.
I didn’t think I’d be doing a 10K for Easterseals in memory of my Matthew again this year, but how could I not.
During the pandemic, Easterseals continued to help people with disabilities with assistive technologies and online programs. As schools opened up, Easterseals’ therapists and specialists were back helping kids recover some of what they lost.
While I missed seeing so many Easterseals’ young leaders and friends in person, I look forward to joining them later this summer to celebrate the success of our fundraising.
You have responded to my ask to help Easterseals every year. I want you to know that my asking is almost at an end. Only a few more years until I am 80 … than I will stop!
As in the past, my 10K will benefit the Easterseals/Matthew
V. Joslin Fund.
Thank you for all your support.