Please help us!!! We are braving a cold winter night by swapping our beds for sleeping bags and a cold hard floor in a warehouse to help us support young homeless people in Sheffield. We have been inspired by young people supported by Roundabout and heard how youth homelessness is an issue in our city.
The Sleep Out is simple!
After enjoying some food and entertainment during the evening, at midnight its lights down and into sleeping bags as the challenge begins. There are plenty of people who think some of us won't be able to handle please give us plenty of encouragement by supporting us and donating to the cause! We will also be challenging ourselves throughout the next few weeks by giving up some of our favourite things in preparation including fast food, coffee, chocolate and Greggs!!
Roundabout provides emergency accommodation for homeless young people at their hostel and support young people to live independently in secure bedsits and in shared housing throughout the city. Roundabout also offers young people a comprehensive programme of training and involvement which breaks the cycle of homelessness and develops long term independent living skills. Roundabout supports over 182 young people aged 16-25 in Sheffield everyday who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.