Sharon is a Legal Personal Assistant, now called The Herminator which is derived from her surname and was used when she took part in the last tour. Sharon’s favourite colour is pink and she enjoys listening to anything her children are playing (loudly!) or old school music. On tour, we are likely to see her eating Steak washed down with Dr Pepper Zero.
Jacqui is retired and enjoys swimming, cycling, running and spending time with her family. She is known as Lady Perriwinkle by her friends. Jacqui’s favourite colour is red and she enjoys listening to Dido. On tour, we are likely to see her eating pasta washed down with red wine.
So why Le Tour de Balls Trois?
Sharon says: “I am doing this because I did LTDB in 2019 and was absolutely inspired by the people I met along the way – having a Son myself, I just feel it’s important to get the message out there. In addition to that, the whole experience was incredible and I also had a great time and lots of fun”.
Jacqui says: “I just want to give something back to a good cause”.
What makes you special?
Sharon took part in LTDB two years ago which was incredible and, alongside Jacqui, did her first Ironman distance event in August 2021.
Thank you, Sharon and Jacqui, for taking part in Le Tour de Balls
Trois and supporting It’s in the Bag.