Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmat Allahu Wa Barakatu,
I hope this message reaches everyone in good health In Sha Allah and hope that Allah makes this Ruza easy for everyone..
I am not good with words but I am writing this message to ask you all for your help today.. I have made a promise to Allah tala that I will try to raise funds for a charity called Zaimah in aid of re opening a masjid. The masjid situated in Brazil (Rio) is known as "The Abandoned Mosque" as it has been locked up since 1983! 35years!! It is heart breaking the images I have been showen by scholars who have visited the place. Wallah there is graffiti on the walls.. so dusty n dirty. Over the years it has become a place for prostitution and drug dealing? And now is being guarded by gaurd dogs to stop intruders coming in. Tell me is this the purpose of a masjid? Subhan Allah WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE THIS RAMADAN! Lets bring back the unity amongst us and bring back the love and place of worship to peace! I have personally made a £500 pledge but In Sha Allah with everyone's support we can raise more!
It has been mentioned those who help towards making a masjid are guaranteed a place in Jannah!! We all want to go to paradise don't we?
May it be £10 £20 £50 or even more, every penny counts!
Remember beloved brothers and sisters, SADAQAH DOES NOT DECREASE YOUR WEALTH! Allah will make it easier for you! Make sacrifices, sisters do you really need that designer saari for eid with along with all the matching jewellery, Shoes, Bag? Do u need so many designer hand bags is it really nesecery? Brothers do you have to hire a Whip so you can go cruising or do u need a different watch every day? I myself don't work yet every penny I get I having been saving for the last 6 months so I can get eye surgery by next year but im putting that on hold and donating to this cause! I will also be holding diffrent fundraising events during this blessed month and after! BE THE CHANGE THIS RAMADAN!