Hello there and thank you for visiting my just giving page.
I'm taking part in the Great Manchester Swim in order to raise some money for The Christie Cancer Hospital.
So why am I doing this?! Well, for starters I couldn't run to save my life so a swim seemed like a fantastic way to get together some funds for a fantastic cause. Without sounding like some X Factor sob story, The Christie is a cause very close to my heart, both for its wonderful care of my late aunt Linda Ryan and Kevin Ryan, and the incredible work it continues to do for so many. It's a honour to call it my workplace and though I'm not one to be all cheesy I feel the need to give something back.
...And lastly, thank you to you, for your wonderful generosity, kind hearts and your wholehearted support in this. I'm humbled, as ever by how many wonderful people I know and how many wonderful people I don't personally know.
See you at the finish line!
Shannon. X