Back in 2012, my Nan was sadly diagnosed with dementia shortly after losing both her son and two sisters. Remembering this is still a stressful event to deal with even to this day.
Every day, almost 600 people in the UK develop dementia. Looking after someone with dementia can change your life in many ways and our family has seen this first hand. The Alzheimer’s and dementia society not only support the sufferer but also the family members affected by this terrible disease and that is why I have chosen this charity.
My Nan is currently residing in a home where they can offer her much better care, than we could as a family, but she is still deteriorating. I have luckily been accepted to run the London 2020 Marathon so I have decided to do this for the Dementia/Alzheimer’s charity, so my Nan is able to see how much she is loved by us all and what I aim to achieve in her honour. My Nan is the queen of our family and we are all truly devastated to watch the effect this disease is having on her.
My personal goal is to raise £5,000.00, as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I want to aim high and do anything I can to help beat this disease.
Back in 2019 I raised £4,500.00 at a charity night which the charity has used during Covid but I think we can give back just a little bit more to help others TODAY!!
Please help me raise as much as we possibly can and of course I would love to see you there on the day to support me get over that line!!!
Much Love
Shane Taylor