Hello all you beautiful people!!!
You are all aware of the atrocities that took place in Gaza a few months back... It may well not be in the media no more, but it has not been erased from our minds, and Gaza still remains in our hearts.
I have pledged to join the Ummah United team, who has not only pledged to raise £12,000 by the end of July, but also pledges that the calls of Palestinian children will not go unheeded, insha-Allah. We will literally climb mountains to raise funds to rebuild their homes and hospitals, we will walk from house-to-house to raise funds to pay for vital food and medicines, we will remember them daily in our prayers, and we will show them that we are united with them in their struggle against the occupation.
We will trek up Mount Snowdon on 27th June 2009, in a bid to raise as much money as possible to help the helpless. Please support me, and most of all support this cause and donate GENEROUSLY, as your donations will go a long long way!!!
George Galloway said he witnessed little girls sitting on the rubble and ruins of their homes, crying out for the Muslim Ummah and the people of Britain to help them.
Lets show these children that we are with them and will do what we can to help them!!!
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