السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Thank you for taking the time to visit my page.
In April 2022, I plan to take part in the Salaam charity 'Distribution'.
There are more than 479,000 refugees in Lebanon, and about 45% of them live in the 12 official refugee camps. These refugees are often families, whose living conditions are distressing and inhumane. These conditions include overcrowding, poor housing conditions and poverty.
If we can come together to help even one of these families in desperate need of our help, we will have changed lives.
We plan to visit the refugee camps in Lebanon and provide aid to areas that have been devastated by tragedies over the past few decades. The support we are aiming to provide is even more vital given the recent pandemic, which has rendered an already grave humanitarian crisis more alarming than ever.
Refugee's access to basic necessities are severely limited, with many lacking the resources to complete basic daily tasks successfully.
We tend to take these necessities for granted, but instead, we urge you to open your heart and give what you can towards this cause, so we can help our Muslim brothers and sisters who are in desperate need of aid and resources. Refugees are losing loved ones everyday, but we can work towards a better life for them.
We ask you to remember that as Muslims, we have a duty to help those who are in need. The Qur'an reminds us that there is a “recognised right, for the needy and deprived” over our wealth (70:24-5), and that "those who do deeds of righteousness and establish regular charity will have their reward".
Donating is a form of Zakat, Fitrana and Sadka and Alhamdulillah we have been given the means to help. This in itself is a blessing, and we ask that you share this prosperity with those who will sincerely appreciate it.
Though you may be living comfortably yourself, please do not miss out on this opportunity to show kindness towards the less fortunate. "Those who spend from their resources to assist others, are upheld as truly virtuous" (Q57:18).
Inshallah, together we can truly make a difference to the lives of these refugees.
[If you have any questions please contact me or the Salam charity and we will be more than happy to provide you with further information.]
[If you donate Zakat please ensure I can see the amount is visible and labelled 'Zakat'.]
[If you are a UK tax payer please also click on gift aid.]