ADAA wants to make a difference to the lives of assistance dog teams that struggle to gain access to everyday services. You wouldnt believe in 2022 that assistance dog teams are still refused access to services that others take for granted, imagine going out with your friends to a coffee shop but being denied access and trying to keep that smile on your face whilst you find somewhere else to go. Imagine going and doing your weekly shop but being told you are not allowed in because you have an assistance dog, without your dog you wouldnt be able to do your shop, but because of your assistance dog you are being denied. Imagine wanting to go to university, but being denied because of your assistance dog, being denied access to further education.
Any refusal has a major impact on each teams day to day struggles, and in some cases can have detrimental affects to the assistance dog handler.
ADAA wants to help educate service providers about the varying types of assistance dogs.