Hey guys, the world is in a bit of pickle at the moment isn't it!
Everyone is feeling the effects. I left the military last year to start a business and find myself in a pretty poor situation, and yet there's also a hell of a lot I need to be grateful for. There are so many out there that have it far worse than me. Thinking of the older folk who have nobody to talk to or ask for help absolutely breaks my heart and as a result of that I've decided to help (in probably the most idiotic way possible, but I've never been particularly smart).
I'm going to run 100km in my 6 metre long flat. Which equates to around 16000 lengths.. I'm not entirely sure I'm full prepared for this, but I'll get it done one way or another for a great cause!
Most people will feel lonely at some point in their lives. It’s a deeply personal experience that - in most cases - will thankfully pass. Sadly, 2.65m older people feel they have no one to turn to for help and around 3.9m older people consider TV to be their main form of company. This is exacerbated due to the current situation with Covid-19. Donating to this page will help the national Age UK to continue providing vital services that offer companionship, advice and support for older people facing later life alone.
So on behalf of the people most in need, get donating!
Thank you all,